APSystems QT2-EU Micro-Inverter

€ 565,68 € 365,99

The second generation APsystems three-phase four-way microinverter delivers up to 2000W of power, making it ideal for most new powerful panels.

The QT2 features customizable three-phase range, 4 DC input channels, encrypted Zigbee communications, and benefits from an all-new architecture. The innovative design makes this product unique and provides maximum power output. These components are encapsulated in silicone to reduce voltage stress on electronic devices, improve heat dissipation, optimize water resistance, and ensure maximum system reliability through the application of extreme testing methods, including accelerated life testing. Energy production is always accessible 24/7 via apps and web portals, making remote diagnostics and maintenance possible.

APSystems QT2 features
The new QT2 also features RPC (Reactive Power Control) functionality for interacting with the grid to better manage any voltage differences. In addition, QT2 has an efficiency of up to 97% and a 20% reduction in component count compared to the previous generation, making it ideal for residential and commercial photovoltaic rooftops.

Designed for three-phase environments
4 low DC voltage input channels, 2 MPPT
1 microinverter for 4 panels
Maximum continuous AC output power up to 2000VA
Designed for the highest production panels (maximum input current 20A)
Integrated VDE relay
variable power factor
Three-phase balanced output

4304604202 A Psystems Microinverter QT 2 For EMEA Datasheet Rev 1 5 2023 03 22
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