Sungrow Inverters
About Sungrow
Want to order Sungrow inverter directly online? Symm Solar supplies all types of Sungrow inverters in stock wholesale direct from every project site in Europe. Sungrow inverters are suitable for commercial and residential PV installations and are known for their ease of installation and safety: Sungrow inverters come with built-in surge protection, cable retention systems and free online monitoring. Our product range includes single phase, three phase and hybrid inverters for commercial or residential use. Explore your selection below and order your Sungrow Inverter online through our online store.
Sungrow Power Single Phase Inverter
Sungrow’s single-phase inverter is safe and easy to install. They are compact, lightweight and equipped with various safety measures. They are lightweight, compact in size, easy to install, and take up little space. To further simplify the installation process, Sungrow inverters feature a built-in level and an innovative cable retention system. This means that Sungrow inverters are always installed completely horizontally and their cables can be easily and safely hidden beneath the inverter.
In addition to being easy to install, Sungrow Power Inverters feature built-in surge protection systems, fault current protection units, and Wi-Fi/LAN connectivity for monitoring, making them safe and easy to maintain. A built-in protection system ensures that the inverter automatically shuts down in the event of any fault. Wi-Fi or LAN connectivity makes it possible to remotely verify the status of the inverter – a service provided free of charge by Sungrow.
Sungrow single-phase inverters are safe, easy to install, and come standard with a 10-year warranty. This makes them the best choice for residential projects. Sungrow single-phase inverters are available through our online web store in capacities ranging from 2.5kW to 6kW. Order a Sungrow inverter from our website or contact our sales department to get the best Sungrow deals.
In addition to single-phase inverters, Sungrow also produces three-phase inverters for commercial applications. These inverters are suitable for 1000V photovoltaic systems. Sungrow’s three-phase inverters are compact in size, lightweight, and have built-in levels and cable retention systems, making them easy to install. A level aids alignment and a cable retention system allows for quick connection without the need for additional tools.
Sungrow Three-Phase Inverter for Commercial Applications
In addition to being easy to install, Sungrow’s three-phase inverters come with extensive safety features, making them safe and reliable. This includes low voltage ride through (LVRT), islanding protection and surge protection devices (SPD) on the AC and DC sides. LVRT systems improve the stability of the inverter during power outages by transferring reactive power to the grid. Islanding protection prevents damage to people and products because in the event of a lightning strike, it ensures that the electricity generated is not passed directly through the PV system. SPD protects the inverter from lightning surges.
Sungrow three-phase inverters are safe, easy to install and monitor. The inverter comes with Wi-Fi/LAN connectivity for remote readings. This monitoring service is provided free of charge by Sungrow. Symm Solar is equipped with Sungrow Power three-phase inverter, with capacity from 5kW to 250kW. Create your account now and order your inverter through our online store.
Hybrid inverters for residential and commercial applications
In addition to single-phase and three-phase inverters, Sungrow also produces hybrid inverters for commercial and residential use. Their product range includes single-phase and three-phase hybrid inverters. Compact and lightweight, these inverters are suitable for lithium-ion and lead-acid batteries, allowing Sungrow hybrid inverters to be easily integrated into new and existing PV systems.
Sungrow Hybrid Inverter is compact in size and has a built-in level for easy installation. A level ensures perfect alignment, and once the system is positioned, the installation process is easy to complete via the display or companion app.
In addition to being easy to install, Sungrow hybrid inverters are also very safe – as they come with built-in surge protection and leakage detection systems. Surge protection shuts down the system during a lightning strike, preventing damage to system components. The leakage detection unit prevents electric shock - if anyone comes into contact with the system, the leakage detection unit shuts down the system within 20 to 40 milliseconds.
Symm Solar offers Sungrow hybrid inverters with power capacities between 3.6kW and 13.3kW, available directly from stock for all European project sites. Check out our selection of Sungrow hybrid inverters and order online through our online store.
Sungrow Monitoring Services
iSolarCloud provides comprehensive insight into your PV system. To make monitoring more user-friendly, Sungrow has developed a free portal for technicians and end users: iSolarCloud. The portal can be accessed via the website or mobile app. The portal provides comprehensive insight into system data, regardless of time and location, and enables users to intervene when problems arise. Customers can use the portal to track production and utilization. All European data is stored on European servers: secure and 100% GDPR compliant.
About Sungrow - Leading global manufacturer
China Sungrow is the world's leading manufacturer of reliable inverters. Sungrow was founded by Professor Cao Renxian in 1997. Driven by the mission of “clean energy for everyone”, Sungrow has accumulated a rich inverter product portfolio. Their total installed system capacity reaches 120 GW; coupled with its reliability, this is why Bloomberg rates Sungrow as 100% worthy of funding.
Clean energy for everyone – driven by innovation
Innovation and development are an important driving force for Sungrow, accounting for about 40%. This focus is evident in aspects such as ease of installation and safety. Consider, for example, a cable retention system developed in a fully equipped test center. Sungrow Text Center has seals of approval from solar energy research institutes around the world such as CSA, TÜV Rheinland, and TÜV SÜD.